Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Transport in their own write

AN EAST-WEST Link Needs Assessment submission-writing workshop has been hailed as a success by Greens MLC Colleen Hartland.

Ms Hartland said about 20 submissions had been written during the two-hour session, held at the Hyde St church last Wednesday.

“Some people came, collected material, then went away and did their own (submission) and some wanted to talk through the issues and needed to understand how to write a submission.

“We wrote them for a couple of people – in their words – and then they’ve gone off and posted them.”

Ms Hartland said some Sunshine residents also attended the workshop following a Brimbank City Council information meeting on Sir Rod Eddington’s report the night before.

“It’s not that we’re putting words in people’s mouths, we’re giving people the confidence to put their words down on paper.”

Another submission workshop has been organised for this Wednesday in Sunshine. The venue had not been decided at the time Star went to press.

Ms Hartland said she hoped to link the Footscray group with those in Sunshine, Carlton and Parkville to set up a campaign across all the suburbs.

Interested parties will be meeting at the Hyde St church on 4 August to discuss what happens next.

“The major problem is that we don’t know what the Government’s going to do, or accept,” Ms Hartland said.

Read the original article here - http://www.starnewsgroup.com.au/story/61192

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