Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sample submision content - to send to

East-West transport options review

Department of Transport

GPO Box 2797

Melbourne VIC 3001

To the review committee,

As a parent of a child using the Kensington Community Children’s Cooperative, I am extremely concerned about reports I have heard about the impact of the proposed East-West Road Tunnel on JJ Holland Park in general and the child care centre in particular:

  • Excavation of JJ Holland Park to create the tunnel

  • Use of JJ Holland Park as a ‘staging post’ for debris from wider excavation

  • Possible ‘open slot’ freeway permanently occupying part of what is now parkland

Impact on Kensington Community Children’s Cooperative

It would be impossible to continue operating the Centre next to a major construction site, which will create air pollution from the disturbance of asbestos-contaminated soil and dust, noise pollution, and traffic problems. Noise and air pollution from a tunnel portal in or near JJ Holland Park would also make it impossible for the Centre to operate. Melbourne City Council has invested considerable funds on a project (currently in progress) to expand the childcare centre from 60 to 100 long day care places. This investment will be completely wasted if the East-West road tunnel goes ahead as proposed in the Eddington Report.

The population of Kensington has risen significantly in recent years and continues to grow rapidly with a local “baby boom”. This will place even greater demand on the child care centre in future years.

Impact on other children’s amenities in JJ Holland Park

The “Venny” Adventure Playground, the playground next to the child care centre and the YMCA Kensington Recreation Centre are very popular with local children. These facilities would not be able to operate if major building works were taking place in or near the park.

For older children, the skateboard park located at the south-west corner of JJ Holland Park is well used and one of the few meeting places for teenagers in the area. It will be destroyed if the park is to be used as a staging post during tunnel construction.

Impact on the Kensington community

JJ Holland Park is the only large open space in Kensington. It is used by many different sporting and recreational groups and usage will increase as the population of children in the Kensington area continues to grow. The park is currently one of the most popular meeting places for parents, their children and numerous dog owners in Kensington.

I urge you to consider the irreparable damage this project would cause to the Kensington Community and to reject any use of JJ Holland Park or any other parkland for construction of the road tunnel.


1 comment:

My Miracle Baby said...

Hi. Greetings. This post is really good and blog is really interesting. It gives good details.

Child Care VIC