- Kensington/Flemington Junior Football Club,
- Kensington Junior Cricket Club,
- Flemington Colts Cricket Club,
- Kensington City Soccer Club,
- AFL Victoria Girls competition (Junior),
- North Melbourne Cricket Club Indonesian Students Soccer Association.
It's something recogised by the North Melbourne Football Club. Here is the text from their submission to the DOI.
Dear Sirs/Mesdames
I note that the State Government is seeking submissions on the Eddington Report ('the Report").
As you may be aware, the North Melbourne Football Club ("NMFC") recently decided to reject a proposal to relocate to the Gold Coast and chose to remain at Arden Street in North Melbourne. We see a significant part of our future tied to a stronger interaction with our local community.
A key recommendation of the Report which has direct relevance to the local inner north football community, which includes the NMFC, is the fourth recommendation concerning the East West Road Tunnel. The recommendation proposes the need to use the public open space of JJ Holland Parkland as a staging construction point for the East West Tunnel. We are aware that JJ Holland Park is used by Kensington Flemington Junior Sports Club Inc ("KFJSC ") which includes the local Flemington Juniors Football Club. It is also used by a variety of other local clubs and clearly plays a very important role as a community sporting facility in an area which is sparse of adequate sports fields.
The NMFC opposes the use of the JJ Holland Parkland as a staging point for any construction given that the Melbourne City Council ("MCC") does not have any alternatives for the KFJSC to be relocated from JJ Holland Park. Additionally, many other clubs will be disadvantaged by the recommendation. The MCC simply does not have the carrying capacity with its sports fields to relocate any of the clubs currently located at JJ Holland Park (without inflicting the same situation on other clubs at other grounds). The importance of sport in the community surrounding our club, particularly at Junior levels, cannot be underestimated and we trust that the Government will carefully consider the potentially disastrous impact of the fourth recommendation in the Report.
Kind Regards
The Flemington Kensington Junior Football club have their own submission, as follows. We've shown the cover page. Click on the link at the base to see the whole submission.
East-West Transport Options ReviewRead their whole submission here.
Department of Transport
GPO Box 2797
Melbourne VIC 3001
In response to the Government‟s invitation to comment on the Eddington Report - “The Investing in Transport
Report – East West link Needs Assessment” please find attached the Kensington Flemington Junior Sports
Club’s submission to the review.
The club's strong objections to the proposed use of JJ Holland Park outlined in the report are well documented in
our attached written and video submissions (Attachments A and B).
Our 300 member strong junior sporting club is an integral piece of the jigsaw which makes up the community in
the West Melbourne, North Melbourne, Kensington, Flemington, West Parkville and Ascot Vale areas; and
represents the full diversity of community and political interests in the local area.
Our club is not aligned to any particular group.
Our submission addresses the potential loss of local amenity by the use of JJ Holland Park for road tunnel staging
works and the proposal to use a significant portion of it as an exit upon the completion of proposed tunnel works.
We strongly object to the use of Holland Park as a staging post for road works and to the proposal to exit traffic
from the tunnel in the only passive and active sporting facility in our community.
There is no other option for active sport and passive recreation in the City of Melbourne which will cater for the
number of users from our club and other organisations.
We strongly urge the Government to consider other options than the use of JJ Holland Park.
Mark Grant
Kensington Flemington Junior Sports Club
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